I recently captured this image of a moose on a snowy day. While the face appears comical, it is actually designed to serve the moose well. The large ears are ready to catch any signs of danger. The long snout and prehensile lips help to grab willow leaves and bark, its favorite food. The nostrils can close so that moose can feed on underwater vegetation. The flap of skin under the chin, known as the dewlap, is a bit of a mystery- no one knows its exact function. One theory is that it may be used as a dominance signal in males, like the antlers. (I think it may be simply for good looks- a sort of “moosestache”)
I see moose regularly from our Swan View property in the Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve. This winter, a cow and calf have been hanging around our neighborhood. So I was surprised to see these three moose out on the lake yesterday. Was it another family of three, or was it the two I’ve been seeing plus a visiting relative? I don’t have a clear answer so I’ll chalk it up as another “natural history mystery”…